Wednesday 9 May 2007

One Year on @ UFindUs

In a few days time it will be a year since the first steps were taken towards creating the UFindUs contact center which today offers all our customers a first class service.

It has grown from a small team of half a dozen people to a team of over 80 covering all manner of jobs from technical support to customer accounts, and scriptwriting to customer relations, with a few other departments in there as well.

Where our systems were previously creaking under a workload that they were never designed to take we now have state of the art accounting software we have designed and written ourselves. Our system processes have been designed in-house by someone who has an intimate working knowledge of virtually every aspect of UFindUs which means that we have an efficient system designed to make life easier for both customers and staff.

Virtually everything we need to make UFindUs run efficiently is now housed under one roof, we have under 1% of calls into service reception that are not answered, a huge improvement on the previous 20% or so of calls that rang off before they were dealt with. Every customer is guaranteed to be called back and levels of customer satisfaction are now at an all time high. We have created a contact centre “model” that others in our industry are envious of.

There are still more exciting developments to come, and I hope you will come back to our blog to read about them.

Graham Armstrong
UFindUs Ltd

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