Monday, 11 June 2007

Turn to UFindUs when you want to find it.

I thought it would be good to share something that I was told over the bank holiday weekend. My parents will think nothing of buying golf clubs on eBay, enough books from Amazon to stock a small library and book holidays online with Expedia (even though I still struggle to find my way round that site) These silver surfers when armed with a laptop and a cup of coffee are quite content to put their trust in these sites to make purchases and yet they are also the sort of folk who reach for the security of the phone book when they need to find something locally.

Well that seems to have changed. They were looking for someone to give them a quote for some gardening work and thought that they would give UFindUs a try. They now have the names of three people from the directory that they will be calling this week. It is now stored in their favorites and Mum has spent time on adding every birthday and special event to the diary in My UFindUs. I don’t expect that the phone book will be going in the bin just yet, there is something quite comforting in having it tucked away in a drawer, but now they have discovered our online directory who knows what will be next.

Graham Armstrong
UFindUs Ltd

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