Thursday 24 May 2007

National Learning at Work Day – UFindUs take it in their Stride

Today is National Learning at Work Day! (It never ceases to amaze me just how many “national” days we have), but its no different at UFindUs because every day is a training day here. We are lucky enough to work in one of the most exciting jobs around, but with the excitement comes the need to keep on top of things or you will miss opportunities for yourself and your customers.

Today we have got our “training champion”, Emma, carrying out a refresher on emails. We make sure everyone gets regular coaching to ensure that all our teams keep on delivering a first class service. Emma has the patience of a saint and will make sure that, especially for a new training subject, everyone fully understands it before she will let them back on the phones again.

The other training session covers search engine optimisation (SEO) and involves about 30 staff from two of our offices. Our technical MD regularly updates our training manuals and this is the first seminar run following the latest updates. Although the majority of the web designers who are being trained know most of it already it never goes amiss to refresh their memory, stop bad habits from forming, and, as Stuart (the MD) is a very hands on guy it keeps him fully in touch with any problems or queries the team may have.

Graham Armstrong
UFindUs Ltd

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