Friday 25 May 2007

UFindUs Delivering Customer Support

It has not been a surprise to see that over the last 8 months the level of complaints at UFindUs has dropped to an all time low. This has largely been due to the significant steps taken by our sales managers to make sure that the sales teams are giving out relevant information for customers to make the important decision as to whether or not they should purchase a UFindUs product.

Feedback that we have had from our customer support department show that overall levels of customer satisfaction are now exceptionally high, and whilst we cant please everyone our support team is making a great impact in rectifying our customers problems on the first call. I have had the privilege of spending a morning sat listening to them in action. Considering that our support team has only been up and running since early March they have lived up to and exceeded expectations already. One more point to make is that the volume of second calls coming in, where the issues are still unresolved, are have now dried up to a slow trickle. It can only mean one thing, UFindUs are delivering on their promise to make our customer service experience second to none.

If you have had a recent experience of our customer support team then why not share it with us, we look forward to hearing from you.

Graham Armstrong
UFindUs Ltd

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