Thursday, 31 May 2007

Online shopping hits all time record spend of £10.9bn

The internet is ever growing in its power and SME’s shouldn’t underestimate the power it has on being able to capture new business. 2006 is now quoted as being a record year for online spending as it hit the £10.9 billion mark. What’s more experts predict that online sales are expected to almost treble to over £28 billion over the next 5 years. This is basically made up online spending on goods and excludes other things such as tickets, flights and insurance.
The future prediction is an increase from £606 as being an annual average online spend in 2006 to £1,056 by 2011.Which show that those businesses which are investing in an online presence now will be well placed to reap the rewards in the future.

Graham Armstrong
UFindUs Ltd

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody,

Can somebody suggest me a better online shopping website where I can purchase the Apple 160GB iPod and Beauty products at reasonable price. However, I searched the web and find the resources i.e.

where the prices are compartively low.
Please suggest if you have some other better resources.

Carol Lee