Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Tell UFindUs what your thoughts are!

For anyone that wasn’t aware already Thursday 24th May was National Learning at Work Day. As I was sat at home last night it occurred to me that learning is so much more than just training staff. UFindUs is a great example of a company that puts this into practice.

No one can say that we don’t listen to our customers. Everything we do is based around the needs and wants that our customers have told us they expect us to deliver.. By listening and learning it means that we keep happy customers and we make sure we don’t get complacent.

The internet isn’t the place to sit back relaxing, so we will continue to develop products that ensure we stay one step ahead. If you want to help us then any comments, good or bad, are always welcome. Go on, drop me an email at

Graham Armstrong
UFindUs Ltd

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